Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Nasty nasty ugliness

I’m so angry and so so so confused.

I completely stopped reading the bible several months ago. I was so sickened by the suffering and horrors of the Hebrew Bible and my complete inability to reconcile the truth of what is plainly written with what I had been taught to believe that I just stopped.

Every time I happen across a sermon on the radio or read an “inspiring uplifting” devotional my stomach turns. It infuriates me. I’m disgusted. Isaiah comes home with stories of the “heroes” of the bible. Sampson for example. Sampson who was a murderous, disrespectful, vile, lying, selfish man who squandered an enormous gift, whose only semi-redeeming act was murder-suicide. Seriously?

How is it that we just conveniently ignore the hundreds of thousands of deaths perpetrated directly by the God of the Hebrew Bible. I was in a class that touched on this subject much to the extreme discomfort of the room full of ministers. One of them said “Well, they must have deserved it.” I’m so flushed with rage just at the memory I can barely type. Seriously?

How did I make it through the vast majority of my life as a Christian without ever having the courage to confront the black and white truth of the horror of the Old Testament? Because I just didn’t want to. Because it didn’t jive with my health, wealth, and prosperity gospel.

How is it that we scream about homosexuality but have no problem with divorce? How is it that we are so willing to judge the teenage mother but justify our enormous houses and piles of stuff while people starve to death? I’m just plain pissed.

I’m disgusted with myself and I’m so confused about what is true. I don’t know what I believe anymore. I just don’t.

I know that I’m disgusted with the prosperous west. I’m disgusted that I never realized how much North American Christianity completely fails until I was one of the disenfranchised. Until it was my life that was devastated, destroyed, broken. Until I stopped fitting.  

So much of what people spout simply isn’t biblical. That I know for sure. Most Christians know more about celebrities or sports than they do about the bible. How dare we? How dare we claim to have the answer, sit on our high horse when we don’t even know what damn color the horse is? Seriously?

But that which is biblical often is far from pretty. It can’t be packaged and put on a wall hanging or a shirt. A while back I heard “Life is complicated, God is not.” On a local Christian radio station. I choked on my Dr. Pepper. Is your life really that easy? Have you really confronted that much of the history of your religion that you think your God is simple?! Seriously!?

Have I mentioned that I’m pissed? Cuz I’m pissed. And I just don’t fit. I wish I could go back. I wish I could go back to when I believed life was shiny and happy and good, when I believed I was the apple of this God’s eye, when I believed He was good or gave a crap about me but I can’t. There is nowhere to go but forward. Forward through all of the questions. The anger. The doubt. The nasty nasty ugliness.

I don’t fit in your world anymore…

Until next time…