Yesterday I had lunch with a friend (imagine Disney World as a person and you've got her, except with the biggest friggn heart you've ever encountered... yeah, then you've got her) . She told me she was happy to see my post about our five stockings because "at least for a second there was something good."
I've often thought that I should tell you guys about the good stuff, too. The thing is I only feel compelled to write when I'm overwhelmed with the hurt, when I have to get it out of me. Also, I kind of tend to forget that someone actually reads this...
Anyhoo, with that thought in mind yesterday I went on a photography bender to give you a glimpse of some silly, goofy, messiness. Sometimes the days look like this...

My eldest making cookies "I can do it mom." Notice him reading the recipe... Like are you serious? That's off the charts adorable. The picture to the right is the icing. I said "Ok, babe, how much powdered sugar do we need?" He looked at the page and said "Two pounds." We have a lot of icing if you need to frost some cookies... or a house.
Meanwhile, this happened... Rainbows
This is my man just after he told me that it's ok that the dogs love him more because the baby loves me more (which is not true but he is kind of completely and over the top a mama's boy... just kind of). You may have noticed the stylish blue diaper the little white dog is sporting (her name is Popcorn, in case you care). Yeah... she's incontinent. Seriously? Yes, our little while snuggle pup is actually a 70 year old little old lady who has had 15 kids. Maybe in her past life. We spend half our day chasing after her to pull that stupid thing up. I ordered doggie diaper suspenders and being an adult is stupid.
Did I mention she's a snuggle pup? It almost makes me forgive her for peeing on EVERYTHING. Almost
And this. This picture makes every molecule in my body smile. What you can't see is that two seconds before I snapped this he was crouched down behind our great big scary pit bull and he had just popped up and squealed at his daddy. He's very pleased with himself, can't you tell?
The big boy and I had our first ever mother-son Pinterest fail. Nailed It! "They look like watermelons mom"
Shortly after this picture my man and I had a giggle fit in the kitchen over something ridiculous I said with the eldest looking on as if we had utterly lost our minds. It involved being tickled with crabs but I think you had to be there.
Me making swooning noises and googly eyes. I'm stupid crazy about my man.
And at long last... This.
The real treat was when the hubby crawled into that bed with me and we talked for two sold hours. Some days, we don't talk. Some days are too hard, too painful, the black is too thick but...
Somedays are like this.
Until next time...