Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Successes and failures in domesticity

I promised you successes and failures on my journey to hyper-domesticity. Here are a few.
A few weeks ago Isaiah and I attempted from scratch cinnamon rolls. He loves the things but all of the pre-packaged stuff has dairy and monohexapentagobblygook so I set out to make beautiful rolls. We did it together and it was a lot of fun but as you can see they turned out a little different than we expected. It's ok. They tasted fantastic
This one I am particularly proud of. The hubs has been in need of a side table for his favorite chair for, well, ever. I found the drawer at ReStore for $.92, the legs at my favorite little flea-market (read pile of junk, happy digging!) for $6 (for all 4), already had the drawer pull and got the material for the top for $2.92/yard. I love it. Orange!!!


Already had this chair (and two more just like it that are on their way to becoming a bench), just paint, fabric and some more paint. I did the little blue detail myself. I saw fabric like this at JoAnns for $16.99/yard. I loved it but wasn't about to pay for it so I broke out my brushes. I'm still debating adding some orange to the design but for now this beauty is our computer chair. 

Sorry I don't have the before for this one. It was a red full height table sitting in our back yard. Now its and ottoman/coffee table. Can you see the living room theme now? (Ignore the junk all over the floor. The living room is also my 'studio').

I'm off to pack a lunch (speaking of domesticity).

Until next time....


  1. I am impressed with your handy work. Somehow I lost your blog for a few months. Everytime I checked it, I kept getting only your December blog. Anyway, congratulations on the coming baby boy.

    I've been thinking about March 27. It will be a hard day. You have my promise of prayers on that day. I also thought about Damon in February, the day I first met him and you in the church nursery. He was a sweet little guy and I will always remember that about him.

    I am also praying for your strength and a safe and healthy delivery. Keep writing, you are doing more good than you know.
