Thursday, July 11, 2013

Belly rolls and baby feet

Warning: this post contains pictures of my post-three babies belly.

There's a voice in my head screaming "DON'T POST THIS!!!" That's usually a pretty good indication I should post...

So, a while back I ranted a little bit about those awful "motivational" pictures on Pinterest that pretty much only motivate me to hate myself. Recently I saw an anti or un "those" pictures. It was a mom in a bikini with her little girl wrapped around her waist hugging her stretch marks. I also saw one of a woman's tummy rolls with the words "still beautiful" tattooed on them and it was beautiful.

I have absolutely no problem with a woman being incredibly fit. I have been at certain times in my life. Some women are really muscular, some are thin, some fat, some tall, short and on and on. What I have a problem with is the message that there is only one way to be beautiful.

So here are my anti pictures. I may lose these few inches. I may not. Either way I'm gonna rock what I've got. I'm gonna wear a bikini because I feel prettier when I have a little bit of a glow all over. I'm going to wear skin tight clothes to yoga because that way my shirt doesn't fall over my head when I'm upside down and when Fall rolls back around I'm gonna rock my skinny jeans because I just plain like them. And I'm going to believe my husband when he says I'm beautiful. Life is too too too short guys. It just is.

belly rolls and baby feet!!!!!


  1. Wish my post one baby stomach looked as good as yours :)

  2. Yeah, I am thinking about losing my "baby fat" sometime soon. Of course, my "babies" are 38 & 40 <3
