Sunday, March 1, 2015

Facetiming Rainbows

The Rainbow baby has discovered facetime...

I don't even know where to start here so I guess I'll just go all brain diarrhea on you and hope it makes sense.

I honestly don't even remember the first time he facetimed but clearly it made an impression. Yesterday He brought my phone to me chanting "Papa... Papa... PAPA!!!" at least twenty times. He wants to call his Papa Bear (his name is Barry... you get it). We called Papa and Grams, who dutifully answered and tried mightily to have a conversation with an almost two year old who mostly giggled, said "Papa!" and "Bye!" He was so persistent I asked them to make videos of themselves talking to him. They did and he watched them at least thirty times each. He also insisted we call his Aunt Angi, by name (genius baby).

We tried to get a video of him watching the videos and talking to them (because we're modern parents) but he has some sort of 6th baby sense and stops doing anything adorable or video-worthy the second any recording device is activated. Seriously, how does he know?

Today I thought the videos would satisfy his facetime obsession. It was not to be. He got into my facetime app on his own (again, my baby is a genius) and started with the chanting "Papa!" We facetimed with his Papa! and Grams twice today and only because I started hiding my phone.

So... if you are in my contacts and you start getting random facetime requests if you answer you will likely find an absolutely adorable baby staring back at you, maybe asking for his Papa! or maybe just saying "Hi-eeeee" and "bye!" repeatedly with no intention of actually hanging up.

This has been the highlight of my weekend truth be told.

We're starting hell month and things will get really dark. I'm so glad that my rainbow is such a bright fire inside me.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful boy! I can't imagine what this month will be for you. I'm so happy you have this sweet moment this month! <3
