Sunday, December 1, 2013

Once a day...

Once a day the light hits this monitor just right and it lights up his handprints. I refuse to clean it. The pain of seeing his sweet little prints is unbearable but the thought of wiping them away is abhorrent. They are all I have left of him. The little prints here, the little prints on the back door, the little prints on the oven door, all left in stasis.

Yesterday the little rainbow concieded to be entertained by his daddy and I swept into the boy's bathroom on a mission. How do little boy's bathrooms get so completely and utterly disgusting? I started grabbing the hodgpodge of medicine and shampoo bottle scattered all over the counter and dumping them into the top drawer (because, yes, that is how I clean these days). I grabbed a bottle and stopped dead, my heart threatened to clench so hard in my chest it would just stop. They were his prescriptions, there was his name, one bottle, two bottles... what the hell? I haven't touched anything, nothing. All of his things have stayed exactly where they were. His medicine cabinet hasn't even been opened... and there they sat, staring at me, telling me what I'm starting to have to see. I can't run from this forever.

Will and I have discussed Damon's room, decided that it is time to make it rainbow baby's room, then done precisely nothing about it... over and over. I stopped going in there nearly a year ago. I just couldn't... I just couldn't. I refused to close the door. I was afraid I would close it and never open it again. I felt like closing it was somehow denying his existence, something I refuse to do. I love him. I miss him. He was here. He was REAL.

For a long time I would make sure when I left our bedroom I had absolutely everything I could possibly need so that I wouldn't have to pass that horrifyingly empty room again once I had managed to do it once. I spent months avoiding the hall. One trip out of our room in the morning, one in at night, minimize the number of times I'm stabbed through the gut. It's nuts, as if I wouldn't be stabbed a million times, a million other ways...

Every single time I pass his door I touch the doorframe. It's like my way of saying "This affects me. Every single time I pass your door. I notice. I see you standing in your crib excitedly pointing at your Zebra. I see you getting zipped into your footie pajamas by your daddy. I SEE you!!!!" And I do. I see him... always.

I carefully put all of those bottles back into his medicine cabinet. I may very well keep them until the day that I die. I may have a random computer monitor smeared with baby handprints perched somewhere in my living room for always.

He's gone... how the hell can this be real?

Until next time....

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